i'll go make it real quick, but the only thing i heard was the motor so i can't replicate the other sounds, but you will be pleased im sure post it in a few min...
close enough for now, im a little busy, but i'll get a better one to you later tonight
the tweak on LFSdatabase doesn't have license protection, AFAIK that's why you can only tweak the demo cars, which wouldn't give any proof of cracking, unless by cracking you mean modifying lfs which is definable the case. And i know talking about it prohibited, but i was only trying to help
you can add a turbo in tweak....doesn't mean he's cracking...but anyway just press shift+a and load a sound where it says dump valve. If you add a turbo to a non-turbo car it automatically adds a bov to your sounds list in shift+a.
the irony is i already knew what both were[and never asked about them(and even said i was going to wait on the card)], but i do appreciate you going into detail george, that was actually very helpfull just thought i should say that, but either way thanks for all the help and supplying the entertainment!
i could but i didn't know about the transparency before, but thought it would be funny to have a hole in the hood with a turbo! i tried making holes in the bumper but the line in the middle of the holes won't go away(looks horrible).but you can do some cool stuff to the body while making it look nice
i wasn't suggesting that i do it, that would be bad, but i could get one of the techs from the circut city i used to work at to do it. he can't say no to money and i have 2 extra fans so it should be ok, shouldn't it?
thanks a bunch for the help, i learned a few things and im just gonna keep my pc how it is. i didn't think it was gonna be so complicated but if you guys say im good then im good! but eventually im gonna upgrade and now i have enough knowlegde to do so. i am going to look more into overclocking because i read you could get a 50%-75% difference in performance! thanks again guys!
i don't think im expressing my lack of knowledge towards computers enough! im still a little in the dark here, so lets say i get that gfx card and keep everything else stock(or whatever the pc world calls it), what are my results as far as playing lfs goes since that's the only game i play? and i don't know much about overclocking, but what is my processor capable of? would this give me a noticeable difference when playing lfs?
didn't see your post jakg, so with the gfx card itself it would make a nice pc for lfs? that's all i want!
calm down buddy i already said i don't know computers, but i get 60fps with all the graphics right now so it can't be that bad...but i am running at 1024x768 lol. Well it looks like this might take a few more bucks than i thought so I'm just gonna post pone this one, but thanks a LOT for giving me some help, i was about to just buy the 4870 card but that would have been a bad idea apparently. for future reference should i just get somebody to build me a new one?
150 sounds good lol!!! i just want to know that I'll always have enough frames to go with improving graphics, plus i always make skins in 4096. But thanks for the quick help everyone, im gonna be purchasing the 4870 so thanks again for the links and mods can close the thread now.this forums got all the answers